All preview images rendered with vray 3.6 in 3ds Max 2014 So you can click to render button and get the same result with preview renders.
Model at world center and real scale: Metric in centimeters
Length—————-> 5320 cm
Width——————> 5295 cm
Height—————–> 1855 cm
Polygons: 92965
Vertex: 94974
Triangles: 1048 (1.12%)
Quads: 91917 (98.872%)
Ngons: 0
Vertex with more than 5 edges: 0
All Textures are PNG format with the following resolutions:
5 (Materials) x 8 (Textures)
Textures Formats:
(8 .png) Body ……………………………4096 x 4096
(8 .png) Wings………………………….4096 x 4096
(8 .png) Engines ……………………. 2048 x 2048
(8 .png) Wheels………………………..2048 x 2048
(8 .png) Glass………………………….. 512×512
-All textures can be easily altered to lower resolutions Print Ready: No
- Scene is well arranged ( proper layer and group )
- Objects, materials and textures are named.
- Each model is fully sub-dividable to allow Turbosmooth Iterations to increase mesh smoothness if needed.
- All objects have fully unwrapped UVs.
- No extra plugins are needed for this model.
- No errors or missing files
- No N-GONS Faces
- This scene is modeled in real world scale
- No cleaning up necessary, just drop your models into the scene and start rendering.
- Other Formats are available
- PBR Textures are included.
- Model is ready for game
- This model is created in polygon quad & few tris with good edge flow, So you can edit and change it according your requirements.
All preview images rendered with vray 3.6 in 3ds Max 2014 So you can click to render button and get the same result with preview renders.
Model at world center and real scale: Metric in centimeters
Length—————-> 5320 cm
Width——————> 5295 cm
Height—————–> 1855 cm
Polygons: 92965
Vertex: 94974
Triangles: 1048 (1.12%)
Quads: 91917 (98.872%)
Ngons: 0
Vertex with more than 5 edges: 0
All Textures are PNG format with the following resolutions:
5 (Materials) x 8 (Textures)
Textures Formats:
(8 .png) Body ……………………………4096 x 4096
(8 .png) Wings………………………….4096 x 4096
(8 .png) Engines ……………………. 2048 x 2048
(8 .png) Wheels………………………..2048 x 2048
(8 .png) Glass………………………….. 512×512
-All textures can be easily altered to lower resolutions Print Ready: No
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